Major changes that I made from the tutorial:

  1. Reworked all sound management to reorganize everything into channels (music/SFX)
  2. Created Master/Music/SFX volume player preferences that are configurable in a new pause menu (See "Settings" in game)
    1. Note: there's still a bug with this where a new sound must play before the music volume will adjust. If you mouse over the "Apply" button after adjusting the music/master volume it should work. Sorry! :(
  3. Designed and created a fully unique level (level 2)
  4. Bonus - Fixed bug where enemies would not turn around upon colliding with each other
  5. Created new "carousel platforms" prefab to enable more interesting level-design (see level 2)
  6. Bonus - created a "You Win!" level (level 3) to celebrate with some bad guys


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